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Hello Project,

I'm 32 years old, and I think I've finished the so-called "most beautiful period of my life", assuming there was ever something like that in my life. I look at the young boys, the twenty-year-olds, they are young, they are beautiful, they are full of wishes and hope, but I watch them from afar, they believe that sex can change their lives but I have already overcome this stage, I have had my experiences and in the end there is nothing left. I have been hunting guys on dating sites, I met a lot of them, I had sex with so many of them (prudently, that is, without putting myself at risk) and I came to the conclusion that it is good to think of something else.
With a couple of guys I even deluded myself, it lasted a few months, but then it all ended according to the general rule: better alone than badly accompanied! Every guy has his dreams, his ghosts, his pathologies, more or less evident, every guy follows his fantasy and the idea of building something together doesn't exist at all.
Project, I don't accuse others of doing so, because I'm the first who follows those rules, I'm the first one who isn’t so inclined to share his life. Going to bed with a guy, ok, some sex doesn't hurt anyone, but then bye! I go back to my house, I don't want to share anything with anyone. I should be happy to wake up in the morning near a stranger I know nothing about. Ok, we may have had sex together, but that doesn't mean anything. What do I have to share with that guy? Our stories had nothing in common for thirty years, then we spent a few hours together and this should have changed our lives?
Project, I can also understand and accept that you don't share my way of thinking, that you consider it stupid, but which would be the alternative? What should I believe in? The world of fairy tales no longer interests me, it is a bit like I had become indifferent to sex. I don't know how long it will last but for the moment I want to be alone, I want to sleep a lot, I don't want to think, I don't want to chase unlikely dreams.
Project, I didn't have bad experiences, I didn't find guys who betrayed me or things like that, maybe I could change my mind, if I found (but I won't look for it) a guy with whom there is another level of communication, then, maybe, I could change my mind, but I've been waiting for  the Charming Prince  for more than ten years now, and I'm tired of waiting.
There are so many better things to do! As you say, I could devote myself to the "others" in a generic sense, depersonalizing relationships, going out of the obsession that pushes me to know gay guys with the prospect of creating with them who knows what.
I also have longstanding straight friends, but I neglected them a lot, and what for? I neglected them to run after gay guys, wasting a lot of time without any result either for them or for me. With my family I broke off relationships years ago, since I became economically independent I left home ... and what should I do? Should I go back to my parents' house, even if they think I went to live alone to live with a girl? Because this is the level of communication that there is with my parents!
I left to try to be free to build my own life, I mean a couple life, but then what did I build? I became addicted to pornography for years, I had a bit of sex, which is nice only before, because afterwards it leaves you nothing! This was the meaning of my youth. Certainly there have been my studies, then my work, which is a concern but it is not really the obsession of my life, that is, it gives me something, at least economic independence.
By now the guys I have known I don't even remember them distinctly, sometimes I confuse the story of one with that of another, they are "my ex-boys" but I consider them not as singles  but as a group, for me they don't have a personality anymore  and I think they hardly remember me, but it's not a big problem!
What is the use of living, Project? There is really no purpose. It's a trivial thing. We are used to believing that we are special, that we have a profound meaning for others and for the world and instead we are nothing, just a little dust that will be swept away by the wind. Those who dedicate themselves to others probably don't get anything, except in terms of self-esteem, but they certainly don't lose anything, this is a great push towards love of neighbor!
I imagine what effect the reading of this mail can have in you. You'll think that I'm depressed, inclined to renounce, disgusted by the world and by my fellow men, but it is not so, I want to look at other things, my life has been dominated for at least 15 years by the word gay, but this is not the only word in the vocabulary. I'm gay, but my being gay mustn't become an obsession, I mustn't find myself a partner at any cost and certainly he cannot be the first guy I meet in the street, I don't seek any husband, I don't deny anything and don't reject anything a priori but I'm tired of chasing fantasies and thinking of having to settle for a bit of sex and with the risk of ruining my health.
I have never found a guy who loved me and on the other hand I have never been able to really love a guy, selfishness has always been the dominant value and this is not how married life should work.
You talked to me about "light couples", that is without too many expectations and without too many obligations, but it’s not a thing for me, I need, or better, I absolutely need stability. Perhaps I have assimilated a model of a couple of almost matrimonial type or perhaps I'm not yet mature enough for a true couple life, that is for a couple life in which compromise and the search for quiet life dominate.
I wouldn't accept my boyfriend making love with another guy, because I would like to be his boyfriend, not a friend of his. I'm not looking for a sexualized friendship, I'm tired of these things, I'd like a guy to share life with, but if I don't find such a guy, I prefer to stay alone.
Don't worry about me, Project, I'm fine, I'm not depressed, I started working on many of my projects, I joined a football club and I really like going there. Do you know why? Because they are all straight guys and when they talk about sex, they talk about girls and they don't mind my own business. They welcomed me as a friend but we are "just" friends, it is so obvious that they are all straight that they are not at all a sexual interest for me, what we really have in common is the interest in football, everything else is part of their and my private.
I feel good in a hetero environment, of course, if there were girls too, it would be much more complicated but there are girls only in Sundays in the audience, in the gym there are no girls. It is as if I was detoxing myself from the excess of gay things, as if I were slowly releasing myself from an addiction. It's nice to find a normalcy again.